Infertility: Just One Baby

Just One Baby

I met Ajete while working in Adama, Ethiopia in 2007. She arrived at Sister Aklesia Memorial General Hospital SAMGH) before the Registration lady and before the custodians. She came with the hope of medical treatment to cure her infertility.

Ajete and her husband traveled from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to South Africa, and then to Abu Dhabi, UAE. The distance was never an obstacle.

Infertility Awareness Week

This is National Infertility Awareness Week (4-18-21 to 4-24-21).

IPRHglobal will present information on the state of global infertility, as a disease, and a measure of access to care.

Each post will present one woman’s journey for just one pregnancy. Her story is unique, but she is not alone. Globally, more than 186 million people suffer from infertility.


Just One Baby


Navigating the World for Fertility: The Price We Pay

In 2009, the World Health Organization designated infertility a disease. The American Medical Association identified infertility as a disease in 2017.

Lack of information and cost lead many people to think that fertility is a luxury. Beth Kowitt’s February 2020 article in Fortune Magazine, Fertility Inc, noted that some investors predicted that the U.S… fertility market would be at $15.4 billion by 2023. (February 2020). There has been a 370% increase in capital invested in the infertility industry between 2013 and 2018. It is no wonder that fertility tourism has flourished.
