IPRHglobal: Women’s Health Equity

IPRHglobal: For All Generations


The futures of girls and women is now. We create a world of equity in access to health for all people.

It’s Simple:

We believe health equity is possible. We work to make inclusive healthcare a reality. Everyone benefits from  access to reproductive health. Healthy families grow into strong communities. We are building future communities, one person at a time. Our work is a commitment to communities of women. We are sisters, daughters, mothers, and grandmothers. We are the ancestors and the future.

Many women live in fear of death in childbirth. We work to address those fears. We work for equity and access. We listen to health questions of women, girls, LGBTQ communities, with respect. We make  time to answer. We know the importance of mutual respect.




Breastfeeding For All?
